Avelino R. Mayoral, Soke San Dai |
Practicing kata |
The Shizenki Ryu Karate Association was formed in 1964 by
the late Soke Nidai, Louis Fried. It is the only true Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu karate association that all black belt practitioner's
of Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu first are acknowledged by. After a Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu practitioner has obtained his Shodan and beyond, they
is certified, registered, with the Shizenki Ryu Karate Association. All Kyu ranks in Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu are members of the
Shizenki Ryu Karate Association, but it is the Shizenki Ryu Karate Association that registers all practitioners of Shizenki
Ryu Bujutsu's rank.
In November of 1991, after Soke Nidai, Louis Fried's death, it
was his wish, for his top black belt practitioner, Avelino R. Mayoral, to take over not only as his successor, but as the
President of the Shizenki Ryu Karate Assoication.
© 2013, Avelino R. Mayoral
